History and Development of Ultrasound Technology

The Discovery of Ultrasound That Saved Millions Of Women

An ultrasound or ultrasound device is a device that is generally used by many pregnant women to examine the fetus in their womb. Ultrasound is an examination method using a scanning technique that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) and produces images of the condition of the organs in the body. However, if you’re looking for a site that uses high winning rate to make pregnant women happy userslot is one of the site.

In the book entitled “Imaging and Imagining the Fetus: The Development of Obstetric Ultrasound” by Malcolm Nicolson, a professor of medical history at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, an ultrasound device was first used for clinical purposes in 1956 in Glasgow.

Reporting from Live Science, Friday (17/5/2013) at that time obstetrician Ian Donald and engineer Tom Brown developed the first prototype system, based on instruments used to detect industrial defects on ships.

They also refined its clinical use, and by the late 1950s ultrasound devices were routinely used in hospitals in Glasgow. This tool only became more widely used in United States hospitals, around the 1970s.

At the end of the 20th century, ultrasound imaging was used in many developed countries. Meanwhile, obstetric ultrasound or pregnancy ultrasound is used to image the human fetus in the mother’s womb.

Furthermore, this ultrasound tool functions to confirm pregnancy, identify gender, number of fetuses, detect abnormalities such as microcephaly (abnormally small head), absence of kidneys, or spinal problems. So, it is not surprising that ultrasound is called a discovery that changed the world.

“At the beginning of using fetal ultrasound, doctors could only detect the baby’s head. But gradually, as it develops, experts can distinguish the fine structures of the fetus,” said Nicolson.

The Pioneering Work of Lazzaro Spallanzani

History of the invention of the ultrasound device (USG)

3As reported on the Ultrasound Schools Info page, Wednesday (18/5/2022), an Italian biologist named Lazzaro Spallanzani is the person who is said to be the inventor of ultrasound. Apart from being a biologist, Spallanzani, who was born in 1729, was also a physiologist, professor, and priest who carried out many experiments that contributed to human science.

The discovery of this ultrasound device apparently started with research on bats. In 1794, he conducted research on bats and discovered that they could navigate using sound rather than sight.

This condition is known as echolocation, namely determining location based on sound waves that are reflected or reflected back from objects in an environment.

The same principle also became the foundation for the development of ultrasound equipment technology, which is still used today.

Gerald Neuweiler, in his book entitled “The Biology of Bats” explains how Spallanzani brought and used owls into his laboratory. At that time he observed that this animal would not fly around the room if there was no light source.

“When he repeated the same experiment using bats, the small mammals flew confidently around the bishop’s study, even in complete darkness, and managed to evade the cables that Spallanzani hung from the ceiling,” Neuweiler wrote.

Neuweiler added that the Italian scientist blinded the bat’s eyes by burning them using a heated needle. However, they were still able to avoid the cables on the ceiling of the room. Eventually Spallanzani discovered that bats relied on sound for navigation, because when he placed sealed brass tubes inside the mammals’ ears, they couldn’t navigate the room properly and would fly into the wires.

Modern Advancements in Ultrasound Technology

Modern Advancements in Ultrasound Technology

Today, ultrasound technology has advanced significantly from its early days. Modern ultrasound machines are highly sophisticated, capable of providing detailed images and real-time video of the fetus. These advancements have improved prenatal care, allowing for early detection and treatment of potential issues.

3D and 4D ultrasounds are now available, offering even more detailed images. 3D ultrasounds create three-dimensional images of the fetus, while 4D ultrasounds show real-time movements, providing a live-action view. These technologies not only enhance medical evaluations but also offer expectant parents a more intimate view of their unborn child.

The Impact of Ultrasound on Prenatal Care

The Impact of Ultrasound on Prenatal Care

The widespread use of ultrasound has transformed prenatal care. It has become an essential tool for monitoring fetal development and diagnosing potential health issues early. Ultrasound screenings are now a routine part of prenatal care, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions about the management of pregnancies.

Moreover, the non-invasive nature of ultrasound makes it a safe and preferred method for both doctors and patients. Unlike other imaging techniques that involve radiation, ultrasound uses sound waves, posing no risk to the mother or fetus.

Future Prospects of Ultrasound Technology

Looking ahead, the future of ultrasound technology is promising. Researchers and engineers are continually working on new advancements to improve image quality, portability, and ease of use. Innovations such as handheld ultrasound devices and artificial intelligence integration are on the horizon, which could further revolutionize medical imaging and make ultrasound more accessible in various healthcare settings.

In conclusion, from its inception in the mid-20th century to its current status as a critical tool in prenatal care, ultrasound technology has made remarkable strides. Its ability to provide safe, detailed, and real-time images has not only revolutionized medical diagnostics but also profoundly impacted the way we monitor and care for unborn children.

Read More : Utilization of Ultrasound for Beauty 2023

Utilization of Ultrasound for Beauty 2023

Utilization of Ultrasound for Beauty 2023

Skin and cosmetic techniques through non-surgical procedures are in great demand from the public. This is because it is pain-free, injury-free, the treatment time is relatively short, and results are immediately visible. One of them is a skin tightening technology using sound waves (ultrasonic waves) and a technology that brightens the skin color using laser energy of a specific wavelength. Ultrasounds are nothing out of the ordinary in the world of health. We know ultrasound for further examination and diagnosis of diseases. However, with the development of technology and current research, ultrasound has penetrated not only for health but also for beauty.

What Is Ultrasound Actually?

Ultrasound is an imaging tool commonly used to diagnose various diseases and other health conditions. Ultrasound has the ability to create sound waves that resonate when projected onto the body. These waves create images that can be used to diagnose disease. Besides providing pictures or imaging to diagnose disease, ultrasound is also used in physical therapy. Recently, however, ultrasound has begun to be applied in aesthetic medicine for anti-aging therapy by stimulating the formation of new collagen in the face, neck and chest area.

How Ultrasound Works

Ultrasound has the mechanical ability of sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 Hz. Ultrasound also transmits waves in a longitudinal direction, so it can enter tissues where biological effects are expected. One of the biological effects of ultrasound is its ability to conduct heat. This thermal effect is used in cosmetic applications to stimulate the formation of new collagen, which can provide a lifting or tightening effect to the skin.

Ultrasound Technology

The Importance Of Collagen In The Skin

The word collagen itself comes from a Greek word meaning to make sticky or adhesive. In our body, collagen is actually one of the proteins that make up the body. Its presence accounts for about 30% of all proteins found in the body, and it has been found that about 70% of our skin is composed of collagen. Research according to maxbet.top the presence of 70% collagen in our skin makes the skin more elastic, supple, supple and moist. People who still have collagen-rich skin look younger and wrinkle-free.

Ultrasound For Beauty

As we age, our ability to form collagen decreases. This is what affects the condition of the skin in old age. Saggy, wrinkled and sagging skin is common in older women and men or in the beauty world, and is referred to as the “aging process”. The key to anti-aging is to promote new collagen production by conducting heat. Due to the nature of collagen as a protein, it loses its tertiary and secondary structures when exposed to external pressures such as chemical compounds or heat, which is called “protein denaturation” in medicine.

Read More : 5 Health Problems That Ultrasound Can Detect

How Can Ultrasound Rejuvenate The Skin?

A classic example of protein denaturation can be seen in egg whites. The egg white, freshly hatched from the egg, is clear and runny. However, when egg whites are cooked over heat, they become opaque, forming a dense, sticky mass. And this is what happens to the collagen in the dermal layer of our skin when exposed to the thermal stimulation of ultrasound. It becomes hard and dense, so that the epidermal layer of the skin over it is also pulled and tightened. The heat delivered by ultrasound reaches 60-70 °C. higher than stimulation using radio frequency technology, which is only 38-50 °C. The ultrasound waves delivered are as deep as 4.5 mm, or the connective tissue between muscle and skin. This new technology opens the door to anti-aging therapies. Ultrasound effects may be an option for some people who are still afraid of plastic surgery. Because aging continues, regular collagen stimulation is necessary to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

5 Health Problems That Ultrasound Can Detect

Ultrasound exams may be recommended for men and women of any age if a doctor thinks it is necessary. The goal is to confirm the diagnosis so that appropriate treatment can be obtained.

What health problems and diseases does an ultrasound detect? Read on to learn more.

How Does Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound or ultrasonography (sonogram) is an examination test that uses high-frequency sound waves to describe the condition of the organs in the body.

When an ultrasound is done, the part of the body being examined is coated with a gel. Then the doctor moves a lever called a transducer over that part of the body. Transducers direct high-frequency sound waves into the body and local body fluids. These sound waves are sent back to the machine in the form of electrical signals and converted into images. You can see an image of your own body on the monitor screen.

What Health Problems Can An Ultrasound Scan Reveal?

In addition to pregnancy test drugs, ultrasound can detect health problems in the following areas:

1. Bile System

Any disease or disorder related to the biliary system can be detected by ultrasound.

The gallbladder is located between the intestines and the liver. It holds bile in the liver until it is released into the intestines to aid in digestion. Bile is a yellow-green fluid involved in the digestion of fats. Bile forms and crystallizes over time. This can lead to health problems such as gallstones and cholecystitis. Pancreatic problems, including those that can be detected by ultrasound of the bile ducts

2. Urinary System (Urinary)

Ultrasound examination can detect and provide a clear picture of problems in the urinary tract, which starts from the kidneys to the bladder. Diseases or medical conditions that can be detected include hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys), kidney tumors, thickening of the urinary tract wall, to undescended testicles in children and twisted testicles (testicular torsion).

3. Cardiovascular System (Heart And Blood Vessels)

An ultrasound of the heart is also called an electrocardiogram. This test is usually performed with a Doppler ultrasound, which is primarily used to measure blood flow in the heart and large blood vessels. A red and blue image will appear.

With echocardiography, you can see immediately how well the heart is functioning and the structure is working accurately. An ultrasound of the heart can tell you how the heart valves move, the walls of the heart, and how well blood flows in the heart chambers.

With this tool you can see if your heart is functioning properly, especially if it is done after a heart attack.

4. Appendicitis

Appendix (appendix) — inflammation of the appendix due to obstruction. The cecum is a small tubular structure attached to the beginning of the large intestine. The appendix has no particular function, but if it ruptures, it can be life-threatening.

When viewed through an ultrasound examination, the picture that will appear is that the appendix will be larger than usual and there is thickening of the wall of the appendix. If any of your relatives or family are doing an ultrasound examination, you can also play online gambling on this site https://surgadewaslot.net/ while waiting.

5. Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Swollen lymph nodes and other problems can be reported to doctors. (swelling of the lymph nodes, lymphadenitis)

Swollen lymph nodes are more common in children. The immune system of the lymph nodes continues. The cause of the swelling is a sore throat, a viral infection. Ear infections Tooth infections Bacterial infections and HIV/AIDS

Apart from checking the condition of the pregnancy and the five types of problems above, an ultrasound examination can also be done on the throat and vagina according to what the doctor needs to examine. The size of the transducer stick can vary, depending on the location of the examination.

What Are The Side Effects Of An Ultrasound Examination?

Ultrasound examination may cause a temporary burning sensation at the examination site during imaging. However, ultrasound is a safe medical procedure and has no side effects or serious long-term complications.




The healing process of a disease will definitely require several types of stages of therapy, one of which is ultrasound therapy which is currently commonly used for bone injuries. This ultrasound therapy is certainly different from the usual ultrasound that is used to detect the fetus in the stomach. The following is an explanation of ultrasound therapy for healing diseases.

Applications of Ultrasound Therapy

Before performing ultrasound therapy, the doctor or therapist will apply a gel to certain body parts. Then, the ultrasound device in the form of a handle with a transducer will be moved in a circular pattern slowly over the skin surface of the affected body part. There are several patterns and vibration settings that can be applied with a certain intensity depending on the healing process that the patient is experiencing.

How Ultrasound Therapy Works

Inside the ultrasound device, there is a crystal that will vibrate when connected to a power source. This vibration will have a certain frequency that is regulated in such a way that it can reach the sore and injured muscles and tendons. Then, this vibration will trigger the blood vessels and trigger the cavitation process. Both will be able to help speed up the healing process.

Ultrasound Therapy Procedure

Basically, there are two kinds of ultrasound therapy procedures that can be used to heal injuries and speed up the bone healing process, namely:

Heat Energy

Ultrasound can release heat energy into soft tissue structures in the body. This heat energy will pass through tendons, muscles or ligaments to increase circulation of blood flow to these tissues so as to speed up the healing process. In addition, increasing the temperature into the soft tissues of the body can reduce the pain that arises.

Not only that, the heat energy received by the muscles, tendons and ligaments will make the body feel relaxed because the tense muscles and tendons will slowly stretch. Thus, body tissues will feel more relaxed, flexible and easy to move with relatively minimal pain.

Non-thermal Effect

Non-thermal Effect
Ultrasound will trigger new energy that is formed in the body which will trigger the cavitation process, namely the formation of microscopic gas bubbles around body tissues that will contract so that it can accelerate the healing process of damaged tissue.

Bone Injury Can Be Healed by Ultrasound

There are many benefits of ultrasound therapy for bone healing, namely tendonitis, damaged muscles, bursitis, damage to ligaments, disorders of joints, and other diseases related to soft tissues. Therefore in surgaslot site, ultrasound can also be used for the treatment of back pain, knee pain, sprains, and neck pain.

Benefits of Ultrasound for Other Diseases

Not only focusing on muscles and soft tissues, but ultrasound therapy can also be used to heal injuries to other body parts such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is a blood clot in the veins that usually forms in the calves and thighs.

Ultrasound Side Effects

During the ultrasound process, you will feel a tingling sensation near the area that is hurting. In fact, some people do not experience this sensation. However, the ultrasound must be moved in a circular pattern on the surface of the skin because if left alone, the ultrasound can trigger pain. In addition, ultrasound therapy is a type of passive therapy that must be carried out by experts such as therapists and doctors, so it must be accompanied by other therapies and sports for maximum results.

Ultrasound Should Not Be Applied If…

Although ultrasound therapy can accelerate the healing process of bones and injuries, ultrasound should not be applied to wounds that are still open or wet. In addition, ultrasound should not be used in areas where cancer cells are still active. This therapy should not be applied to sensitive areas such as the eyes, breasts and sexual organs as well as fractured bone areas.

That’s an explanation of ultrasound therapy that is useful for healing bone injuries and accelerating healing in other diseases. If you are a therapist or doctor who needs ultrasound for the patient’s healing process.

Read more : Ultrasound Technology Hits Skin Care Market

Dangers of Ultrasonic Sound in Public Spaces for Health

Dangers of Ultrasonic Sound in Public Spaces for Health

Rats are indeed annoying rodents when roaming around the house or in the office.

Various traps to catch mice were prepared. From traditional traps with salted fish, food, to cheese stuffed into wire traps. Natural rat repellents as well as chemical repellents that are handled by professionals are also sometimes considered ineffective to repel these tailed rodents.

In the end, ultrasonic sound was used as a way to repel mice.

In addition, other ultrasonic sound ‘transmitters’ in public spaces are also known to be harmful to health.

Research conducted by Southampton University revealed that today’s technological developments make humans surrounded by a lot of ultrasonic pollution every day of their lives.

Professor Leighton, the lead author of the study, revealed that some of the problems with ultrasonic transmitters today, among others, are that automatic doors to rat repellent devices in households are one of the unnoticed causes of ultrasonic pollution.

“There has been a huge increase in the deployment of wearable devices using ultrasonic devices in homes, recreational areas and in the office,” he said.

Mouse Research

Mouse Research

This mouse repellent device using ultrasonic sound waves basically works by emitting sound at a frequency that only rats can hear. These sound waves should make them uncomfortable and leave the area.

Citing various sources, ideally, humans cannot hear this sound, but in reality this voice can still be heard by humans.

“Those who are exposed are often unconscious.”

But things are never ideal or perfect. The worst thing is, the ultrasonic frequency of this mouse repellent not only affects the targeted mice, but also affects humans and pets, one of which is dogs.

Dogs who hear this sound will make them restless and uncomfortable.

In humans, the effects can be much worse. The effect that occurs can be compared to when someone hears an opera singer with a high voice and can break glass at a very high note. This concept will apply like ultrasonic sound to humans.

Ultrasonic frequencies, even when you unconsciously hear them, will have an effect on your condition. This frequency will produce vibrations in the inner ear as well as the brain. As a result, this will cause feelings of discomfort.

In addition to feeling uncomfortable, in a certain period of time, long exposure, and for those whose hearing is sensitive will have an even worse effect.

According to research conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), exposure to ultrasonic noise will cause various health hazards.

Some of the disorders that are often complained of are tinnitus (ringing in the ears), fatigue and sleep disturbances, headaches, chronic migraines, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and even fainting.

Leighton himself analogized that these waves would disrupt the delicate balance sensors in the ear, confuse the brain, and create symptoms similar to those felt when experiencing seasickness.

However, this condition often occurs in people who are still young to young. The reason is that people’s ability to hear ultrasonic waves decreases with age.

Read more : Ultrasound Technology Hits Skin Care Market

Ultrasound Technology Hits Skin Care Market

Ultrasound Technology Hits Skin Care Market

Usually when people hear about ultrasound technology, they imagine an image of a woman knowing the sex of her baby or the news or a patient receiving the results of a diagnostic exam. But for beauticians and their clients, ultrasound (or ultrasound, as it’s called in the biz) is fast becoming the newest facial treatment to hit the salon circuit. But before we dive into this latest trend, maybe a little background information is needed.

Ultrasonics basically utilize the energy generated from sound waves to stimulate cells located deep past the superficial layers of the skin, which in turn stimulates collagen, relieves inflammation, and further activates blood flow. According to the International Dermal Institute, ultrasonic therapy can help combat some common skin care problems, including the following causes:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Skin aging
  • Rosacea
  • Wrinkles
  • Pimple

Understandably, not everyone wants to go along with ultrasonics.

Ultrasound Technology Hits Skin Care


During facial ultrasound (also known as ultrasound), high-level sound wave technology is used to penetrate deep beneath the skin’s surface. This facial therapy promotes cell renewal and repair, tightens facial muscles, improves blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, combats puffiness and puffiness, and increases penetration of skin care products.

The secret to its success is that by its application both water-soluble and fat-soluble active substances can easily enter the skin this method same like https://www.ioncasino.cc/. Applying the ultrasound method, the metabolic processes of the skin increase, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells increases. Thanks to the positive effect on the connective tissue fibers, the skin becomes firmer and younger. The heat generated during ultrasonic treatment improves blood flow, nutrients and oxygen supply to cells.


Ultrasound applies sound pressure to the skin and produces targeted mechanical stimulation. This energy input excites the liquid molecules, resulting in internal micro massage, the main biological effects are:

  • Reactivation of microcirculation (lymphatic and venous) to refresh tissue.
  • Defibrosing to smooth the skin and remove signs of aging.
  • Bio-stimulation to reactivate the natural process of cell regeneration.


The reason why people love this treatment, is because of its amazing benefits. The following are the most important:

  • Increased cell membrane permeability, resulting in better penetration of skin care products into the deeper layers of the skin
  • Improve micro-circulation and cell metabolism
  • Increased lymph flow due to mechanical effects
  • PH normalization
  • Tight muscles
  • Lines, acne and scars are reduced.

The skin care industry continues to grow rapidly with no sign of stopping. And with that, a plethora of modern, high-tech, and sometimes even whimsical, products are bombarding the market. But skeptics can relax about ultrasonic treatments. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) reports ultrasound has an excellent safety record because unlike other common imaging equipment, such as x-ray machines, ultrasound is not associated with ionizing radiation.

Read More : What is Ultrasound Therapy: Overview and Benefits

The only potentially scary aspect of undergoing ultrasonic skin therapy is the price as many professional facial treatments can cost thousands of dollars. However, there are still plenty of at-home ultrasonic skin devices on the shelves that cost a lot less.

  • VibraSpa Bella Ultrasonic Silicone Skin Cleaning Device
  • Measurable Difference Ultrasonic Beauty Massager
  • Zensatio 3-in-1 Skin Rejuvenation Device
  • Creative PCH Duo Ultrasonic Toner
  • Photon Ultrasonic Facial Device
  • LaBelle Ultrasonic Skin Spatula
  • Jamie ACELLerator Nurse Beauty Kit
  • Jenu Ultrasonic Infuser

What is Ultrasound Therapy: Overview and Benefits

What is Ultrasound Therapy: Overview and Benefits

What is Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a treatment method that uses ultrasound technology or sound waves to stimulate damaged body tissues. Although it has long been used in medicine for various purposes, ultrasound technology is known more as an examination tool than as a therapeutic tool. One of the less well-known therapeutic advantages of ultrasound is the treatment of muscle injuries. Therefore, ultrasound therapy is often used in the treatment of musculoskeletal and sports injuries.

The successful use of ultrasound technology as a therapeutic tool depends on its ability to stimulate the tissue under the skin using high-frequency sound waves, ranging from 800,000 Hz – 2,000,000 Hz. The healing effect of ultrasound was first discovered around 1940 as we quote from the article in bocoran slot mudah menang blogs. Initially, this therapy was only used by physical and occupational therapists. However, nowadays the use of ultrasound therapy has spread to other branches of medical science.

Who Should Undergo Ultrasound Therapy and Expected Results

Currently, ultrasound therapy is more widely used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Patients who can use ultrasound technology as musculoskeletal therapy are those who suffer from the following diseases:

  • Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia in the heel)
  • tennis elbow
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Temporomandibular disease
  • Sprained ligaments
  • Tense muscles
  • Tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon)
  • Joint inflammation
  • Metatarsalgia (inflammation of the metatarsal joints on the soles of the feet)
  • Facet joint irritation
  • Collision syndrome (impingement syndrome)
  • Bursitis (inflammation of the bursa/joint fluid sac)
  • Osteoarthritis (calcification of joints)
  • Wound tissue
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

However, depending on how and how much ultrasound therapy is used, it can also be used to treat serious and chronic diseases such as cancer. Types of ultrasound therapy methods include:

  • Lithotripsy (to destroy stones in the urinary tract)
  • cancer therapy
  • Administration of drugs on target with ultrasound
  • High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
  • Administration of drugs by trans-dermal ultrasound
  • Stopping bleeding (hemostasis) with ultrasound
  • Ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis

Once emitted on the part of the body that requires treatment, ultrasound technology will cause two main effects: thermal and non-thermal. Thermal effects are caused by absorption of sound waves into the body’s delicate tissues, while non-thermal effects are caused by microstreaming, acoustic streaming, and cavitation, or by vibrating tissue causing microscopic bubbles to form.

How Ultrasound Therapy Works

How Ultrasound Therapy Works

Ultrasound therapy has many levels, depending on the frequency and intensity of the sounds used. This high level of diversity is very beneficial for therapeutic tools because the therapist can adjust the intensity of therapy to suit the disease being treated. But basically ultrasound therapy works by using sound waves which when emitted to certain parts of the body can increase the temperature of damaged body tissues.

For musculoskeletal treatment, ultrasound therapy works in three ways:

  • Speeds up the healing process by improving blood flow to the affected body part.
  • Heals inflammation and edema (fluid accumulation), thereby reducing pain.
  • Soften wound tissue

Ultrasound therapy may also be used to:

  • Destroys foreign substance deposits in the body, such as calculus deposits, e.g. kidney stones and gallstones; when it has been broken down into smaller pieces, it can be removed from the body safely and easily
  • Increase the absorption process and the success of the drug in certain parts of the body, e.g. ensure that chemotherapy drugs hit the right brain cancer cells
  • Removes dirt build-up when cleaning teeth
  • Assist with liposuction, e.g. liposuction with the help of ultrasound
  • Assist in sclerotherapy or endovenous laser treatment, which can be used as non-surgical methods of varicose removal
  • Triggers teeth or bone to regrow (only when using low-intensity ultrasound pulses)
  • Removes the blood-brain barrier so that the drug can be absorbed by the body properly
  • Works with antibiotics to destroy bacteria

To benefit from this therapy, ultrasound must be transmitted to the skin of the damaged body part using a transducer or device specially designed for this therapy. When sound waves have been emitted, they are absorbed by the body’s delicate tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia.

Look also: Thyroid ultrasound technique.

New Research Reveals Ultrasound Potentially Damages Covid-19 Virus

New Research Reveals Ultrasound Potentially Damages Covid-19 Virus

The latest research by scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) written on their official blog, shows that ultrasound vibrations have the potential to damage the Corona virus (Covid-19).

The vibrations must be at the frequencies used in medical diagnostic imaging.

The scientists used computer simulations to model the viral response to vibrations at various ultrasound frequencies.

The team of experts identified that vibrations between the range of 25 and 100 megahertz, trigger the shell and spike protein of the virus to collapse and begin to crack within a fraction of a millisecond.

This impact was found in simulations of viruses in air and water.

This impact was found in simulations of viruses in air and water.

“The results are still preliminary and are based on only limited data regarding the physical properties of the virus. These findings are the first clues about possible ultrasound-based treatments for the coronavirus, including those that cause Covid-19,” said the experts, quoted from Tech Explorist, Monday (22/22/2020). 3/2021).

According to Tomasz Wierzbicki, professor of applied mechanics at MIT, his team has proven that under that ultrasound excitation, it causes visible damage to the outer shell of the virus and possibly invisible damage to the RNA inside.

Just like other Corona viruses, Covid-19 is spherical in shape and has a protein called spike like spikes that protrude on its surface.

Currently, experts still do not know the material properties of nails because they are very small, about 10 nanometers.

“We also don’t know what’s inside the virus, where it contains RNA surrounded by a protein capsid shell, so this modeling still requires a lot of data,” said Wierzbicki.

He believes that the virus model created is a good starting point.

“Now, the question is what kind of stress and tension caused the virus to break out,” he said.

To find the answer, the scientists used acoustic vibrations in simulations.

The team started with vibrations of 100 megahertz or 100 million cycles per second and observed how the vibrations rippled through the structure of the virus at various ultrasonic frequencies.

When experts exposed the virus to 100 MHz ultrasonic waves, the virus’s natural vibrations were initially undetectable.

But within a fraction of a millisecond, external vibrations resonate with the virus’ natural oscillatory frequency, causing the shell and spikes to bend inward.

When there is an increase in amplitude, intensity, and vibration, the viral shell can break.

At frequencies lower than 25 MHz and 50 MHz, the virus bends and divides more rapidly, both at simulated levels of air and water, which are similar in density to fluids in the body.

“These frequencies and intensities are within the safe range for medical imaging,” concludes Wierzbicki.

The scientists are now working with microbiologists in Spain to refine and validate these findings.

Wierzbicki stressed that there is still much research to be done to determine whether ultrasound can be an effective treatment and prevention strategy against the Corona virus.

Physiotherapy, This is What You Should Open

Physiotherapy, This is What You Should Open

Physiotherapy or physical therapy is a procedure to examine, treat, and treat patients who have limitations in body movement and function. Physiotherapy can also be done to prevent physical disabilities and reduce the risk of injury or movement disorders in the future.

In undergoing physiotherapy, patients will be directed and assisted by a physiotherapist, who is an expert in applying the principles and practices of physiotherapy.

This procedure can be performed on patients of all ages, from children to the elderly. Athletes are one of the groups that most often need physiotherapy to determine their body condition.

Physiotherapy Indications

Generally, doctors will recommend physiotherapy for patients who experience conditions such as the following:

  • Disorders of the muscular and skeletal systems of the body
    Physiotherapy can be performed on patients who have muscular and skeletal system disorders or neuromusculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and arthritis.
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Several conditions including nervous system disorders, namely stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, may be considered for physiotherapy.
    In these conditions, physiotherapy is done to reduce impaired body functions, such as difficulty speaking and difficulty moving, as well as to reduce pain.
  • Respiratory disorders
    Respiratory disorders, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cystic fibrosis, are conditions that may be considered for physiotherapy.
    In this condition, the physiotherapist will provide as well as help explain the condition, such as explaining how to control breathing properly.
  • cardiovascular disease
    Coronary heart disease and rehabilitation after a heart attack are examples of conditions that may require physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will direct the patient to do physical activities that can trigger the heart’s work, such as walking, aerobics, or jogging.
    In addition, physiotherapy is also commonly recommended by doctors for patients who experience the following conditions:
  • Amputation
  • Fracture
  • injury while exercising

Physiotherapy Warning

It is important to understand that each patient’s response to physiotherapy is different. This is greatly influenced by the patient’s health condition, body shape, habits, and activities. Physiotherapists will provide treatment according to the needs and conditions of each patient.

There are several things that need to be done before undergoing physiotherapy, namely:

Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications, supplements, or herbal products, as certain drugs or supplements are believed to affect the effectiveness of therapy
Tell the doctor if you are suffering from a disease or are undergoing other therapy
Before Physiotherapy
Before starting therapy, the patient must undergo an examination and assessment carried out by a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation (medical rehabilitation doctor), so that the required therapy program can be determined.

Of course, patients are also expected to ask things that are not yet known, for example about the goals, benefits, risks that can occur, and the final results of the physiotherapy program. Each physiotherapy program will be conducted in several sessions and guided by a physiotherapist.

To prepare before undergoing physiotherapy, patients are advised to move their body frequently. In order to move more freely, the patient can use comfortable clothing, and not tight or loose.

Patients with neck pain can wear short sleeves or sleeveless shirts to make it easier for the doctor to examine the area around the shoulders and arms. Shorts should also be used for patients who have problems with the lower body, such as knee, knee, or leg pain.

Physiotherapy Procedures

Physiotherapy can last 30–60 minutes per session, but it can be faster or longer. In one week, the patient can do several sessions, depending on the program plan and the patient’s condition. The frequency and time of therapy can also change, according to the results of the last physiotherapy.

There are three main approaches in a physiotherapy program, namely:

Therapy guide

Manual therapy is carried out by physiotherapists by moving or massaging the affected patient’s body part. The use of manual therapy is to increase the body’s range of motion, blood flow, treat pain or stiffness in joints and muscles, and provide relaxation.

Movement exercises

In this therapy, the physiotherapist will provide exercises to the patient that aim to increase the ability to move (mobility) and strengthen certain body parts. For example, exercises to move the whole body, walking with the help of a cane, or therapy in a pool with warm and shallow water or hydrotherapy.

In addition, the physiotherapist will also teach the patient exercises that can be done at home to prevent injury and relieve pain.

Education and advice

In addition to movement exercises and manual therapy, education about a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining an ideal and regular body weight, is also an important part of a physiotherapy program.

The physiotherapist will also provide advice on the correct body position in carrying out daily activities, such as when lifting heavy objects, sitting, walking, including sleeping, to reduce pain and prevent injury.

In addition to going through the three main approaches above, physiotherapists can also apply the following techniques to help patients heal:

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
TENS aims to relieve pain. This method is done by sending an electrical signal using a special tool to the area that is experiencing interference. Visit Site for other information.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy utilizes high-frequency sound waves to reduce pain, tension, and speed up the recovery process.
The above techniques are generally not recommended for use in patients with back pain, especially lower back pain. This is because there is no strong evidence that the technique is effective in treating back pain.

After Physiotherapy

After completing a program, the patient will meet again with a medical rehabilitation doctor to see the progress of the condition and evaluate the program being undertaken. Based on the results of the evaluation, the patient may perform another physiotherapy program or repeat the same program.

If the physiotherapy program is declared complete, it does not mean that the suggestions or exercises that have been given have also been completed. Patients can apply suggestions and exercises that can be done at home to continuously improve the function of the affected body part, and to prevent further injury.

Patients are also advised to rest, drink enough water, and immediately consult a doctor if severe pain or discomfort occurs in certain body parts.

Physiotherapy Complications

Physiotherapy does not cause dangerous complications, but it can cause discomfort or pain in the treated body part. However, still inform the physiotherapist when experiencing pain.

Patients may also feel anxious or hopeless about unexpected results. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand what will be done and the limits on the results to be achieved. Consult this with a medical rehabilitation doctor before starting a physiotherapy program.

Thyroid ultrasound technique

Thyroid ultrasound technique

Thyroid ultrasound technique is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Patients do not need to prepare and get special treatment before the examination.

Examination is usually fast and the patient is in a supine position so that patient comfort is maintained. After thyroid ultrasound examination, the patient should do follow-up again according to the disease.

Patient Preparation

Thyroid ultrasound does not require any special preparation. The patient does not require medication or anesthesia. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) suppressive therapy does not need to be discontinued for this test.

Informed consent needs to be obtained from the patient after explaining the diagnosis, purpose of the procedure, procedure for action, other alternative actions, risks, complications, prognosis of action and follow-up. Physical examination of the thyroid by palpation of the thyroid gland and cervical lymph nodes can be performed to provide an overview of the number, size, consistency, motility of thyroid nodules, and lymphadenopathy.[1,6,7]


The equipment needed for a thyroid ultrasound examination is an ultrasound machine, which includes:
Pulser/transmitter that produces waves,

A transducer that converts electrical energy into acoustic energy and vice versa
A receiver that detects, compresses, and amplifies the signal returning to the transducer

Screen for displaying signals in the form of B-mode, motion M-mode, Doppler,
Memory for storing stationary data and videos
Due to the presence of an air gap that cannot conduct ultrasonic waves, a liquid or gel medium is needed. The type of probe used for thyroid ultrasound examination is linear with a frequency of 6–15 Hz. This frequency was chosen because of its penetration depth and spatial resolution which is suitable for the thyroid gland

Thyroid Ultrasound Imaging Method

Thyroid Ultrasound Imaging Method

The following are some of the thyroid ultrasound imaging methods.

Ultrasonography in Grayscale (Grayscale Ultrasonography):

This method is the most commonly used method. Ultrasonography in grayscale uses intermittent pulses of sound energy generation and reception of echoes to produce images of tissue structures through which sound travels.

This technology produces high-resolution thyroid images with sound frequencies between 5–13 MHz and penetrating to a depth of 5 cm (the thyroid gland is in this range in the majority of patients). Modern transducers can produce high resolutions as small as 2 mm, provided the ecodensities of the structures are different or separated by two different tissues.

Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography (Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography):

Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography (Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography)

This technique can assist in the analysis of anatomical structures and tumors in relation to surrounding structures.

Color Doppler Ultrasound:

This method is used to describe the blood vessels of the thyroid gland and its surroundings. This method is based on changing the frequency of the wave, where when the wave (transducer) approaches something, the sound will enlarge and vice versa.

Doppler imaging provides information about blood flow which when superimposed on a real time grayscale ultrasound image will describe the direction and velocity of blood flow.

B-Flow Imaging:

B-flow imaging is a non-Doppler technology that depicts movement within anatomical structures. The advantage of this method is that it can avoid artifacts in Doppler imaging.

The way this imaging works is that ultrasonic waves separated by a certain distance are transmitted, then the reflected signal (separated by a predetermined and shorter distance) will be detected. Then, the overlapping signals are combined and processed into an image on the screen. The resulting information relates to the movement of blood flow in the thyroid.[9]

Ultrasound with Contrast Material:

In recent see website developments, ultrasound can use experimental materials, such as air-filled microbubbles with a diameter smaller than red blood cells, and Levovist (an agent consisting of granules containing 99.9% galactose and 0.1% palmitic acid). ). The advantage of this material is that it will increase the echogenicity of blood and increase the ratio of signal to noise (noise) when injected intravenously.


Elastography aims to assess the level of stiffness of a tissue related to the consistency of the anatomical structure. Tissue deformation can be seen by observing changes in the Doppler signal. These changes occur in response to external pressure and vibration or the propagation of wave shifts.

By assessing the level of flexibility of an organ or tissue, it can be determined whether the disease condition is benign or malignant. A malignant thyroid nodule has low flexibility or stiffness. Elastography is useful for the assessment of noncystic and noncalcified thyroid nodules.

Thyroid ultrasound is also used for invasive diagnostic purposes, such as in ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies. The use of ultrasound helped reduce the number of nondiagnostic samples to 7% from the original 16% when using palpation techniques for biopsy samples.