Peran Sonografer Selama Pandemi

Peran Sonografer Selama Pandemi

Sejak puncak awal pandemi, ahli sonograf terus bekerja dalam situasi yang sangat sulit, tulis Gill Harrison, Petugas Profesional SBOBET untuk USG. Ada tantangan selama ini dan ini kemungkinan akan berlanjut selama sisa tahun ini hingga 2021.

Apa yang mereka lakukan?

Jika memungkinkan, sonografer terus menjalankan layanan skrining kebidanan. Mereka telah menyediakan dua pemindaian skrining yang ditawarkan secara rutin, layanan kehamilan dini dan pemeriksaan tambahan untuk pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan janin.

Sonografer tidak hanya memindai kehamilan tetapi juga terlibat dalam pemindaian non-obstetrik termasuk pasien rawat inap yang sakit parah dengan, misalnya, gejala perut atau ginekologi, atau pasien dengan kanker stadium lanjut dan pasien lanjut usia atau rentan. Beberapa pasien menunda kehadiran di rumah sakit karena takut tertular Covid-19, yang berarti ahli sonograf melihat patologi yang kompleks dan pasien yang sangat tidak sehat ketika pasien lebih aman untuk hadir.

Sonograf sering bekerja di ruang terbatas, dan karena sifat pekerjaannya tidak dapat secara fisik menjaga jarak dari pasien saat melakukan penyelidikan pemindaian. Layar pelindung yang terlihat di industri ritel dan perhotelan tidak dapat diakomodasi karena sifat pemeriksaan. Biasanya sonografer menghabiskan waktu rata-rata dari minimal 20 menit hingga 45 menit untuk setiap pasien.

Mengapa ini menantang?

Mengapa ini menantang?

Sonografer harus menghadapi banyak kesulitan dan ketidakpastian terutama yang terkait dengan APD. Ada tantangan awal dalam mencari APD dan mengubah panduan. Beberapa sonografer diberitahu oleh majikan mereka bahwa mereka tidak membutuhkan APD, yang lain diberitahu bahwa mereka hanya memerlukan APD untuk memindai pasien positif Covid-19 karena pasien tanpa gejala tidak dapat menularkan virus.

Tim SCoR bekerja keras di belakang layar untuk mengikuti panduan dan memberikan saran kepada anggota, terus memperbarui pertanyaan yang sering diajukan untuk membantu memberikan saran tepat waktu. Sampai saat ini panduan tentang FAQ USG adalah versi 9. Ini mencerminkan fakta bahwa virus corona adalah hal yang tidak diketahui, jadi semua orang belajar dan merespons dengan cepat situasi yang berubah.

Kami mengalami cuaca cerah selama penguncian yang sangat bagus jika Anda berada di luar, tetapi mengenakan APD di ruang ultrasound yang sering kali kecil dan sudah panas merupakan tantangan bagi ahli sonografi. Kipas tidak dapat digunakan. Karena kesulitan dalam mengenakan dan melepas APD, kami mendengar bahwa banyak staf tidak minum cukup cairan pada siang hari untuk tetap terhidrasi dengan baik.

Pemeriksaan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk memastikan pembersihan yang memadai, tidak hanya transduser dan mesin, tetapi juga semua yang berada dalam radius dua meter. Permukaan dengan sentuhan tinggi lainnya harus dibersihkan secara menyeluruh di antara pasien, bersama dengan kursi di ruang tunggu. Di beberapa departemen, jumlah pasien yang dipesan sama, sehingga staf tidak mendapatkan istirahat yang cukup.

Sonografi sudah menghadapi krisis tenaga kerja, tetapi staf melindungi, mengisolasi diri ketika anggota keluarga sakit dan laporan 50% staf tidak hadir dengan gejala virus pada tahap awal pandemi di beberapa departemen, menambah tekanan. Sekarang departemen menghadapi staf yang mengisolasi diri ketika mereka atau anggota keluarga memiliki gejala, dan sampai hasil tes diterima, tekanan masih ada di departemen. Staf seringkali bekerja lembur untuk memenuhi permintaan yang hanya dapat dipertahankan dalam jangka pendek.

Keterampilan baru apa yang dipelajari?

Mempelajari tentang virus dan cara untuk mengurangi kontaminasi dan penyebaran telah menjadi kurva pembelajaran yang curam. Kami masih belum memiliki semua jawabannya. Bagaimana virus dapat bermanifestasi pada pasien dari berbagai usia dan penyakit penyerta merupakan tantangan lain. Sonografer yang memindai pasien anak telah melihat penampilan yang terkait dengan sindrom inflamasi multi-sistem. Pasien dewasa telah datang dengan komplikasi terkait koagulasi. Beberapa ahli sonografi telah mempelajari atau mempelajari USG paru untuk membantu mendeteksi tanda-tanda Covid-19. Menulis sumber belajar untuk USG paru telah membantu memberikan beberapa pedoman kepada komunitas USG internasional, misalnya ISSRT .

Konferensi dan webinar online telah berfokus pada Covid-19 serta menyediakan, seringkali gratis, sumber daya untuk CPD yang sedang berlangsung di bidang praktik lain.

Kami belum melalui pandemi ini, tetapi yang kami tahu adalah bahwa para sonografer bekerja sangat keras untuk memastikan bahwa pemeriksaan ultrasonografi berkualitas tinggi dapat diberikan dengan cara yang aman, efektif, dan penuh kasih untuk melindungi semua orang di komunitas.

Lihat juga : The Risks Of Ultrasound Scans For The Mother.

Ultrasound, Types and Benefits

Ultrasound, Types and Benefits

Nowadays, the use of technology to monitor fetal well-being is progressing rapidly, one of which is the use of ultrasound technology (USG). Ultrasound is a way that obstetricians can see or record how the activity and development of the baby in the womb

Ultrasound has many benefits during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy to see the presence or absence of pregnancy and also in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters to assess the presence or absence of abnormalities in the fetus, sex and complications that require monitoring during pregnancy.

In doing an ultrasound, you use a device called a transducer which can emit high-frequency sound and will generate sound waves that will determine the size, shape and organ.

This information produces an image that will be on the computer screen and the doctor will explain the shape of the image. Even ultrasound can help in diagnosing certain conditions. In addition, ultrasound is also useful for knowing the number of pregnancies, gestational age, location of pregnancy, how the baby is positioned, the location of the placenta, whether congenital defects are found, the amount of amniotic fluid in the amniotic fluid and the development of the fetus in the womb.

In addition, a study carried out in a long period of 30 years in pregnant women who frequently performed ultrasounds showed no adverse side effects for the physical and intellectual development of the fetus. So, ultrasound falls into the safe category.

However, ultrasound has several types where each type of ultrasound has different benefits, such as the following:

1. Standard Ultrasound

Standard ultrasound is the most common type that is done during a pregnancy test. The doctor or nurse holds a transducer shaped stick and then rubs it over the stomach to produce a two-dimensional image of the baby.

2. Transvaginal scans

Transvaginal scans

Transvaginal scans are usually performed early in your pregnancy. This method is indeed better than abdominal or abdominal ultrasound. This is because even mothers who are overweight or obese can clearly know how the baby’s heart rate is in the womb and notice any changes in the cervix that can cause complications, such as miscarriage or premature labor. However, transvaginal ultrasound is only a complement not a substitute for abdominal ultrasound.

3. Doppler imaging

This type of ultrasound aims to measure how well the blood is flowing in your baby’s body. In addition, this ultrasound is also performed for mothers who have high blood pressure or the growth of the baby in the fetus is slower than usual.

4. Fetal echocardiography

Ultrasound Echocardiography of the fetus aims to provide details on how the baby’s heartbeat is. However, this ultrasound is usually performed on babies who have heart defects.

5. 3D ultrasound

3D ultrasound

3D or 3-dimensional ultrasound will produce good and clear images because it looks intact in 3-dimensional format. Therefore, it will be easy for you to understand and see how your baby is developing. The tool used to perform this ultrasound is quite expensive, which is why it costs you quite a lot.

6. 4D ultrasound

4D or real time ultrasound is a sophisticated technology in where the images displayed are 3-dimensional and moving, so that you can clearly see the movements and facial expressions of the fetus.

Medical Ultrasound is Now Portable And Connected To Smartphone

Medical Ultrasound is Now Portable And Connected To Smartphone

The ultrasound system, a machine that doctors use to take pictures of internal body structures to support a diagnosis, is usually given to patients in the form of a chart.

Today, medical ultrasound has a new innovation – Butterfly iQ – a mini ultrasound technology in the form of a chip that connects to a smartphone, providing better diagnostic imaging with ultrasound.

Butterfly iQ first launched at as new innovation as medical portable ultrasound and successfully gain interest in the medical world.

Smartphone ultrasound scanner – Butterfly iQ

The Butterfly iQ is an in-chip ultrasound that maintains the basic principles of the usual ultrasound system, adding two new innovations. First, this technology replaces the piezoelectric crystals in ordinary ultrasound systems with mini machines that function like tiny drums to generate vibrations.

This allows the use of a wider range of clinical applications, instead of tuning the crystals at the time of manufacture to generate a type of ultrasonic wave for imaging at a specific depth, the Butterfly iQ can be tuned for different clinical applications at any time.

Second, the ultrasound in this chip has an integrated circuit where the mini engine is attached directly to the semiconductor layer containing the amplifier, signal processor and so on. That said, it’s all on a chip – in the Butterfly iQ. It is very different from the usual ultrasound system which uses a cable connecting the crystal to a computer to produce images.

By connecting the Butterfly iQ with the iPhone, users can check the body part they want anywhere and anytime. Users only need to place the Butterfly iQ on the desired body part, then a black and white ultrasound image will appear on the smartphone screen.

The image generated from the chip will be transferred to the Butterfly’s storage, and interpreted by a doctor or to an artificial intelligence (AI) learning software company. (The iQ system combines three transducers in one device, doctors do not need to change transducers to perform images on different parts of the body, this can save time. The images will then be stored on the device).

The ‘self scan’ raises concerns among doctors

The 'self scan' raises concerns among doctors

Butterfly iQ is easy and convenient to use, so that patients can carry out their own scans at home with this portable device in the future. This can speed up therapy for people who tend to ignore their discomfort. The benefits of this device were felt by the American vascular surgeon, John Martin, MD, who managed to identify cancer cells in his neck using Butterfly iQ. So that he can receive therapy earlier; and thus, saved his life.

However, like any technology – this new ‘device’ is a cause for concern among doctors. According to the study, although some doctors in the emergency room use portable ultrasound devices, this device will not be popular with doctors. One reason for its unpopularity is that its inferior image quality is not as good as a conventional ultrasound system.

“Even if the resulting image is better, the problem is improper use. For some patients who find abnormalities in their body while using this device, it will lead to more tests, more worry, and possibly a risk, such as a biopsy, “said Dr. Eric Topol of the Scripps Research Institute. He argued that if this technology was used by the public, “various kinds of problems could arise”. False positive results due to this technology can cause public concern. Furthermore, this problem may not be solved by AI, at least for now.

Doctors also face difficulty in transmitting images to hospital databases for storage, which entails costs for scans. In addition, if this device is used by the public, who do not have the relevant background, they will have difficulty understanding the displayed image. “Even most doctors are not very good at interpreting ultrasounds”, adds Dr. Eric Topol.

“Putting the price issue aside, I hope Butterfly can replace the stethoscope in everyday medical practice. Now we can provide a diagnostic system to prevent the millions of children who are at risk of dying from pneumonia each year and hundreds of thousands of women who are at risk of dying in childbirth, this is just two examples of the impact of this technology, “commented Martin, Butterfly’s chief medical officer. MIMS

You may like this article: What Are The Other Uses Of An Ultrasound Scan.

Using Ultrasound for Beauty

Using Ultrasound for Beauty

Ultrasound is not uncommon in the medical world and ultrasound was found by site. We are familiar with ultrasound for additional examination and diagnosis of a disease. However, with current technological developments and research, ultrasound can be used not only for health but has penetrated the world of beauty.

Actually, what is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound is an imaging tool that is usually used to diagnose various diseases and other health conditions. Ultrasound has the ability to create sound waves that will echo when they are projected into the body. These waves will then create images that can be used to diagnose disease.

Apart from providing images or imaging to diagnose disease, ultrasound is also used for physiotherapy. However, recently ultrasound has begun to be applied in the world of medical beauty for antiaging therapy by stimulating the formation of new collagen in the face, neck and chest area.

How ultrasound works

Ultrasound has the mechanical capability of sound waves with a frequency of more than 20,000 Hz. In addition, ultrasound delivers waves in a longitudinal direction, so that they can enter the tissue which is expected to produce a biological effect. One of the biological effects of ultrasound is that it can conduct heat. This heat effect is taken for the application of the world of beauty in stimulating the formation of new collagen which can provide a lifting effect, aka tight on the skin.

The importance of collagen in the skin

The word collagen itself comes from the Greek which means it is sticky or produces an adhesive. In our bodies, collagen is actually one of the proteins that make up the body. The presence of approximately 30% of all protein contained in the body, and it turns out that about 70% of our skin consists of collagen. The presence of 70% collagen in our skin makes it more elastic, supple, supple and moisturized. With skin that still contains a lot of collagen, a person will look youthful and free from wrinkles.

As we age, the ability to form collagen decreases. This is what affects the skin condition in old age. Sagging skin, wrinkles, and sagging are things that are often found in women and men aged or in the world of beauty it is called the “aging process”. The essence of preventing the aging process is to stimulate the formation of new collagen by delivering heat. Because collagen is a protein, when it is exposed to external stresses such as chemical compounds or heat, it will lose its tertiary and secondary structures which in medicine is called “protein denaturation”.

How can ultrasound make skin younger?

A classic example of protein denaturation is egg white. When new from the egg, the egg white is transparent and liquid. However, heating the egg whites with them opaque, forming a corresponding solid mass.

And this is what also happens to the collagen in the dermis layer of our skin when exposed to heat stimulation from ultrasound. It becomes hard and dense so that the epidermal layer of skin above it will be pulled and tight. The heat delivered by ultrasound reaches 60-70 ° C. Higher than the excitation using radio frequency technology which is only 38-50 ° C. The ultrasound waves that are delivered reach a depth of 4.5 mm or as deep as the connective tissue between the muscles and skin.

This new technology opens up horizons for antiaging therapy. The effect of ultrasound can be an option for some people who are still afraid to do lifting with plastic surgery. Because the aging process continues, to maintain skin elasticity and firmness requires regular collagen stimulation.

What Are The Other Uses Of An Ultrasound Scan

What Are The Other Uses Of An Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound scans are most famous for their use of allowing mothers and doctors to have a close look at the unborn baby during pregnancy.

However, there are a number of other uses for this machine. They play an important role in a number of medical diagnoses. Industry also uses ultrasonic technology to clean jewelry and grind corn, you can see page that explain the use of ultrasonic technology in our homepage..

Doctors rely on the images taken during ultrasound scans to help them get a clear picture of the many vital organs.

This can be used to show the tumor in more detail. Doctors also use ultrasound to help them see the condition of the organs.

Diagnosing liver disease requires the use of detailed images. Ultrasonic waves are also used for their ability to break up a number of tumors.

Doctors can use this technology to help remove tumors and prepare patients for chemotherapy.

Gallstones and kidney stones can be broken down by ultrasonic waves, and the patient can pass these stones through the urinary tract.

Liposuction is another developing area that relies on ultrasonic technology. Many people rely on liposuction to help them shape their bodies.

Lipoplasty relies on the use of a small suction device, called a cannula, that removes excess fat deposits.

Ultrasonic waves can accompany the cannula used in this operation. The waves help liquefy the fat, and this makes it easier for doctors to remove build-up during surgery.

Dentists also make use of ultrasonic technology to assist them in various daily tasks. Ultrasonic waves can be used to help remove plaque and stains from teeth.

Cleaning teeth in this manner is fast becoming the preferred method of dental hygienists. Bone formation is also facilitated by the use of ultrasonic technology.

Dentists and doctors can expose the bone to high-frequency waves, and the bone will be able to grow back faster.

Industry uses the same technologies that are more common in the health care field. Jewelers often have similar machines that they use to clean crystals, optical lenses, jewelry, and watches.

ultrasonic jewelry cleaner

High frequency waves can remove the buildup of dirt that damaged the layers of old jewelry.

Animals can hear these low frequency sound waves and use ultrasound vibrations to help them maneuver.

Flying bats rely on this technology to help them maneuver in the dark. They have no eyes and can only see by bouncing sound waves off objects in their flight path.

Dogs are tuned to this frequency and can hear sounds that are beyond the reach of the human ear.

Dolphins and whales also communicate through the use of high frequency sound waves.

The medical profession has developed a number of uses for the technology found in ultrasound scanning.

The scans are most often associated with pregnant women being able to see clearly their unborn baby.

However, doctors can use this technology to help them get a clear picture of any organ.

Ultrasonic waves can be used to help bones grow back, clean teeth and break down tumors and gallstones in the body.

Read also Benefits of Ultrasonography (USG) for Pregnancy.

Benefits of Ultrasonography (USG) for Pregnancy

Benefits of Ultrasonography (USG) for Pregnancy

Ultrasonography / ultrasound is a tool or examination support in the medical field that utilizes sound waves / ultrasound with high frequency to produce images. The benefit of ultrasound is to carry out tests that are non-traumatic (not painful) and non-invasive (without side effects).

Benefits of ultrasound: 4D ultrasound produces clearer images

Ultrasound devices use sound waves, not X-rays or radiation waves like other radiological examinations. This makes ultrasound safe for patients and fetuses in the womb. The human ear is able to hear sounds with a frequency of 16,000-20,000 cycles per second (Herzt), while ultrasound devices use frequencies above 20,000 Hz. With this frequency an ultrasound image is produced.

So in the obstetric field or the womb, we can see all parts of the fetus both external organs and internal organs of the fetus. And all this can be seen even though we only use 2-dimensional ultrasound. As technology develops, 3D and 4D ultrasound is developed to produce clearer and better images.

The benefits of ultrasound as a monitoring of fetal development

Ultrasound in pregnancy is useful to confirm whether there is a pregnancy by looking at whether there is a pregnant sac or not. If you have seen a pregnant sac, evaluate whether there is in the uterus or outside the uterus. Including evaluating whether one or two pregnant pockets (twins). After pregnancy is getting bigger, it is necessary to monitor fetal development (comparing fetal weight according to gestational age), monitoring the baby’s heart rate, amniotic fluid, placenta and others. Evaluating fetal abnormalities, looking at gender.

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All this can be done with ultrasound 2D, 3D and 4D images will be clearer as the original. Ultrasound should be performed according to medical indications. For example there are complaints in pregnant women. While for 4D ultrasound is not mandatory unless there is a suspicion of an abnormality or the current age is usually in accordance with patient requests.

Ultrasound is recommended in pregnancy, because the benefits of ultrasound for fetal monitoring are enormous. Ultrasound is performed three times during pregnancy. Namely trimester 1 (10-12 weeks) for initial screening, trimester 2 (20-24 weeks) for advanced screening and trimester 3 (30-34 weeks) to detect abnormalities, evaluate fetal head position and placenta position (birth preparation). Enough with 2D ultrasound alone, the use of 3D and 4D remains as indicated.

Differences in 2D, 3D, 4D ultrasound and its preparation

There is no special preparation for pregnant women when going to do an ultrasound examination. If it is still early pregnancy, the mother usually continues to hold her pee so that the early sac of pregnancy is clearly visible. There is now a transvaginal ultrasound probe to detect early pregnancy and is usually more effective in obese patients. If the ultrasound is transvaginal, the bladder must be empty. If the second trimester, bladder III should be empty during an abdominal ultrasound. Afterwards, an ultrasound examination can be performed.

  • 2D ultrasound – The resulting image is in the form of cross section and elongated (flat image), only doctors who understand the picture, can still evaluate fetal development and detect abnormalities.
  • 3D ultrasound – Same with 2D, but there is an additional coronal plane so that the picture is more detailed and as the original, colorless, the layman (patient) understands the picture, more clearly detects fetal neglect.
  • 4D ultrasound – Same as 3D but accompanied by movements like video. If in the past

4D ultrasound was still relatively expensive, now almost all hospitals and private practices of obstetricians have 4D ultrasound so it is not as expensive as it used to be.

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The Risks Of Ultrasound Scans For The Mother

The Risks Of Ultrasound Scans For The MotherAre ultrasound scans necessary?

By the mid-eighties more than 100 million people throughout the world had experienced ultrasound scans before they were born. Today, practically every pregnant woman in Europe and in North America will have at least one ultrasound scan during her pregnancy. Most expectant women receive their first referral for a scan during their first ante-natal appointment; only a few of them question whether it is necessary and even fewer know of its potential harm. Most women’s magazines, newspapers, and pregnancy books tend to recommend ultrasound scans to ensure the safety and healthy development of the fetus, despite the fact that no study proves that having an ultrasound scan provides more benefits than not having one. In an official statement, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) admitted that no well-controlled study has yet proven that routine scanning of prenatal patients will improve the outcome of pregnancy.

On the other hand, researchers in New York studied 15,000 pregnant women who received ultrasound scans. They concluded that scanning provided no benefits whatsoever in any of the risk categories such as premature babies, fetal death, multiple births, late-term-pregnancies, etc. In fact, up to this date, ultrasound scans have not revealed any information that is of clinical value. On the contrary, there is more evidence today than ever before that scans can be harmful for both the mother and the unborn child. The Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services (AIMS), England, recorded cases of women who aborted their perfectly fit and healthy babies as a result of misinterpreted scans. It is almost impossible to estimate how many women went through similar ordeals since most cases are not reported.

In 1990 researchers in Finland conducted a large trial study with ultrasound. The ultrasound scans diagnosed 250 women with placenta previa in early pregnancy, a condition where the placenta lies low and therefore may prevent the baby from being born vaginally. The mothers were informed that they should expect a Caesarean section. But when it came to giving birth, only 4 women still had placenta previa. In almost all cases, the placenta moved out of the way when the womb began to grow. Ironically, the control group, which received no ultrasound scanning also had 4 women with placenta previa; all of them delivered their babies safely.

Human Guinea Pigs

Ultrasound ScanDespite the fact that respected medical journals like the Lancet, The Canadian Medical Association Journal, and the New England Journal of Medicine have all written about the hazardous effects of ultrasound use, mainstream medicine has all but ignored the negative evidence. Even the FDA has commented on the dangers of ultrasound. According to a story by the Associated Press, their position on the technique is this: “Ultrasound is a form of energy, and even at low levels, laboratory studies have shown that it can produce physical effects in tissue, such as jarring vibrations and a rise in temperature… prenatal ultrasounds can’t be considered innocuous.”

Millions of women around the world, without being aware of the potential health hazards of ultrasounds, are participating in the largest medical experiment of all times. Their babies are the guinea pigs in this experiment. They become vulnerable to external and internal harmful influences when their delicate electromagnetic fields are distorted, misaligned or damaged by highly concentrated doses of ultrasound; exposure to that is neither natural nor suitable for any human being. We cannot solely rely on machines for diagnostic purposes just because machines are considered less likely to make mistakes than doctors. All findings have to be interpreted properly before they can serve as a guide for treatment. As demonstrated in the above study, 98.4 percent of the initial complications during the women’s pregnancy cleared on their own simply because the body knows how to handle such problems perfectly well without intervention. Machines don’t know that the readings they produce may actually turn out to be a wrong diagnosis.

A false diagnosis is not the only disadvantage that may arise from using ultrasound indiscriminately. In 1993 Australian researchers studied 3,000 women and found that frequent ultrasound scanning between 18 and 38 weeks of pregnancy could produce babies up to a third smaller than normal. Similar studies revealed that babies who had received Doppler ultrasound (to scan the baby’s blood supply) had a lower birth weight than babies who didn’t receive a scan.

If the birth weight of a baby is reduced through ultrasound, what about other functions which are even more important for a baby’s growth? One professor in Calgary, Canada, discovered that children developed speech problems twice as often when exposed to ultrasound in the womb. Surgeon James Campbell from Canada found that even one prenatal scan may be sufficient to cause delayed speech. Norwegian studies suggested ultrasound scanning might even lead to mild brain damage in the developing fetus.

One large-scale Swedish study showed a link between ultrasound scanning and left-handedness, which is often the result of slight prenatal brain damage. The study revealed a 32 percent greater chance of left-handedness among the ultrasound group when compared to an un-scanned control group. Needless to say, since 1975, when doctors started aggressive ultrasound scanning late in pregnancy (usually to determine the baby’s sex), rates of left-handedness have increased dramatically – especially among male babies.

Ultrasound was approved as a medical tool of diagnosis under a different category than that used to approve drugs. Science has not yet studied the effects of using these different powers of energy. As long as this is the case, ultrasound examinations are under the umbrella of ‘legal protection’. The complete lack of scientific research backing up the safety of ultrasound scans should caution both doctors and pregnant women.

Yet the scanning of pregnant woman has become such a routine practice today that not many women want to go without it. Scans give parents the opportunity to get to know their baby long before it is born, although women were able to be in touch with their babies before the invention of ultrasound. Today you can find out whether your baby is male or female, which leaves no room for surprises. You can also get the exact date of delivery although, provided there are no complications, you can calculate the birth date of your child yourself. An ultrasound scan may reveal if a baby suffers from Down’s syndrome but it doesn’t tell you how serious the condition is. The added information that ultrasound can give makes little or no difference because babies in general cannot be treated before or shortly after birth. After examining all the results from published trials using ultrasound scans, a team of doctors from Switzerland failed to come up with evidence suggesting that the use of ultrasound could improve the condition of the babies.

Furthermore, a large trial study in the United States concluded that receiving an ultrasound scan produced no difference in prenatal mortality rates or in sick babies than not receiving an ultrasound. What is most disconcerting, however, is that the latest ultrasound technology is to be introduced into use without any trials. It consists of a vaginal probe that is covered by a condom and inserted directly into the woman’s vagina. With the new technology, doctors will get an even better picture of the fetus but the baby will also get a much higher dose of ultrasound.

Even though an increasing number of health professionals are very concerned about the wholesale use of scans, pregnant women are not informed about the possible harmful consequences that accompany their use. Scans are prescribed routinely but you have the right to refuse one. An ultrasound scan should only be considered if a woman suffers localized pain or complications for which a doctor or midwife cannot find a plausible reason. Such cases though are rare. As for now, ultrasound has been repeatedly shown to make no difference whatsoever to the outcome of a normal pregnancy.

Ideally Do Ultrasound During The Third Trimester Pregnancy

Ideally Do Ultrasound During The Third Trimester Pregnancy

Third trimester ultrasound was performed using transabdominal ultrasound. Transabdominal ultrasound involves scanning through the lower abdomen of pregnant women. You do this by placing a small amount of ultrasound gel on the skin of the lower abdomen with an ultrasound probe, then scanning it. Gel serves to increase contact between the probe and the skin of the mother.

Sometimes, depending on the situation, transvaginal ultrasound is also performed during the third trimester ultrasound. This is done to check the placenta lying low, checking the length of the cervix, or other possible indications. Mothers need not worry, transvaginal ultrasound is safe to do and will not injure the baby in the womb.

Transvaginal ultrasound is an internal ultrasound that involves scanning with an ultrasound probe inserted into the Miss V. The transvaginal ultrasound probe has a diameter of about 2 centimeters. The probe is covered with a disposable protective casing. A small amount of ultrasound gel is placed at the tip of this probe. The probe is then gently inserted a short distance to Miss V by the sonographer. All transvaginal examinations have been cleaned and sterilized according to the recommended method.

Conducting an ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is done to determine the possibility of complications in a previous pregnancy or whether the mother has certain medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. If the mother does experience this, ultrasound will be done regularly during the third trimester of pregnancy.

According to WHO recommendations, at least eight USG examinations during pregnancy are performed. The conditions are once in the first trimester, twice in the second trimester, and five times in the third trimester. Especially in the third trimester, the examination will be carried out at 30, 34, 36, 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy.

The Importance of Third Trimester Ultrasound

Ultrasound in the third trimester is important for pregnant women to do. The following are some conditions that require an ultrasound examination in the third trimester:

1. Monitor Baby’s Growth

One of the reasons the third trimester ultrasound is done is to check the baby’s growth. Is everything really as it should or turns out there are symptoms that indicate abnormalities. The baby’s weight is also checked when the ultrasound examination of the baby’s growth.

2. Measurement of Head Circumference

Head circumference measurements are performed to find out how the baby’s brain is developing, whether the baby has reached an average size or not. In addition, an examination is carried out to check the volume of fluid whether the amniotic fluid is reduced or is excessive.

3. Placental Position

A third trimester ultrasound examination is also performed to determine the position of the placenta. Do not let placental abnormalities such as placenta previa which can be a dangerous complication if late handled. At this time, most of the placenta will move out of the cervical pathway, so that transvaginal ultrasound is indeed needed to do a more detailed examination.

4. Twin Pregnancy Monitoring

If the couple expects third-trimester ultrasound twins to be performed to check whether the baby is growing normally, the possibility of twins and how the health condition of the two babies.

5. Baby Position

The baby is always changing positions and knowing the position of the baby is very necessary to know how the labor will be done. By doing an ultrasound it can be seen whether the baby’s legs are stretched or bent. If the foot is tucked under the bottom or in any position, all the possibilities will help pregnant women and doctors to decide on safe delivery.

What Are The Advantages of Ultrasound?

Ultrasound has been the one process in Radiology which does not involve any kind radiation in it. Since its birth with the invention of X-Ray in the hands of Wilhelm Rontgen, radiology has made a mark in medical science. From its inception it has brought with it several branches which have medically benefited mankind for years. Ultrasound has been one of them.

What Are The Advantages of Ultrasound?

Way back in the times of World War II, the technology of Ultrasound had its origin. During that time it didn’t have its exposure in the field of medical science yet. It was mainly used for guiding the wartime submarines. At one point of time it was noticed by scientist, the use of ultrasound was the reason for the death of fishes within the proximity of the submarine. Its use of ultrasound as a submarine navigator was stopped and its heating property was used for benevolence of the humankind only. This is how ultrasound got its entrance into medical science.

It has been used by doctors for many years for imaging modality during the time of pregnancy. The concept of ultrasound is based on sound waves. These emitted sound waves are beyond that of the human reception. There are ultrasound professionals who are engaged in doing the ultrasound tests.

The process is quite simple. The test comprises a transducer which is being pressed against the skin. This transducer emit sound wave which bounces off the human tissues and comes back to the transducer. These sound waves get transformed into electrical signals and then get transmitted to the computer. Further these signals get transformed into images and get produced on the computer screen.

Ultrasound has been used in several health care areas including emergency medicine, cardiology, anesthesiology, pregnancy and several other things. Ultrasound is the perfect diagnostic tool which helps in guiding and observing needle insertion. The process also helps observing the flowing of blood through heart and blood vessels. It also helps in assessing the blood loss capacity during a traumatic situation.

This process of diagnosis is known for its affordability. Radiological processes like CT, MRI and PET scan are highly expensive and emit minor level of radiation. The process of ultrasound costs very less and it is very effective in detecting diseases. Both the diagnostic and therapeutic needs are fulfilled by this process.

Check out more review about ultrasound here

Ultrasound has proven to be effective for another reason and that is due to its portability. During the time of emergency, when the patient cannot be moved from the location, portable ultrasound can be used easily. Even in case of detecting blood loss. Ultrasound at Yambil Street is available in quick notice and times of emergency. As the process is not as lengthy as any other imaging procedure, results can be generated on the spot, in quick instance. The portable feature has been helpful for saving many lives in the past and still continuing.

IF you are planning to know more on radiology, Insight radiology in Devonport, is the ideal place for you.

Frequently Asked Question About Thyroid Ultrasound

Frequently Asked Question About Thyroid Ultrasound

What Is Thyroid Ultrasound?

Ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound or ultrasound uses a small transducer (probe) and ultrasound gel to expose the body to high frequency sound waves. It is safe and simple and produces images of the body using sound waves.

Ultrasound is an invasive medical test that helps doctors diagnose and treat medical conditions. The thyroid gland is located at the front, just above, and has a butterfly shape. This is one of nine endocrine reactions that make and send hormones into the bloodstream.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which help all bodily functions that are supplied quickly. However, if spots or nodules develop on the thyroid that may or may not be felt on the surface of the skin. This is called a palpable nodule.

Ultrasound is a very sensitive nodule and shows it is not acceptable. Most of the thyroid region of Benin does not cause health problems, but there are also thyroid tumors that actually require further diagnosis or treatment.

What Is The Point Of This Procedure?

Thyroid ultrasound is usually used according to:

  • To determine whether the lump appears on the thyroid neck or the opposite structure
  • Analyze the development of thyroid nodules and determine whether they are common or whether they have variations that require biopsy
  • To look for nodules in patients who receive one or more nodules on physical examination
  • To see whether thyroid nodules have increased significantly over time

Because it provides real-time images, images are approved continuously, it can also be used to guide procedures such as needle biopsy. Ultrasound can also be used to guide the catheter or other drainage devices.

How should I prepare?

You must wear clothes that are comfortable and require your ultrasound. You may need to buy all clothes and jewelry in the area for a visit, and you may need to wear a dress during the procedure. No other preparation needed.

How to proceed

For most ultrasound exams, the patient’s face lies on the examination table which can be moved or tilted. For additional information that is approved and you want to be played online slot machines, you can register as a member at MABOSBET.

Clear water-based gel is applied to areas of the body that are applied to help transducers make safe contact with the body and store air bags between the transducer and skin that can connect sound waves so they do not enter your body. Sonographers (ultrasound technology) or radiologists then strengthen the transducer firmly on the skin in various locations.

When the check is complete, the patient needs to wait to wait while the USG image is reviewed. Ultrasound examination is usually completed in 30 minutes and is painless, fast and easily tolerated by some large patients. If the scan is done in a soft area, you might enjoy light pressure or handling from the transducer.

You may need to crane your neck to help the sonographer (technologist) access your thyroid by ultrasonography. If you suffer from neck pain, please know the tech experts so they can help you in a comfortable position for the exam. After imaging is complete, you can complete your normal activities.

What are the Benefits vs. Risks?

The advantage

  • Request non-invasive ultrasound (no needles or injections).
  • At times, ultrasound reading may be uncomfortable, but it is almost never a dilemma.
  • Ultrasonography is widely available, easy to apply and cheaper than other imaging systems.
  • Ultrasound imaging is completely safe and does not apply ionizing radiation.
    Ultrasound scanning provides bright print of soft tissue that does not arise properly on x-ray images.
  • Ultrasonography provides real-time imaging, making it a good tool for delivering minimally invasive procedures such as needle biopsy and needle aspiration.


    For standard ultrasonography education, no known harmful effects on humans.