Physiotherapy, This is What You Should Open

Physiotherapy, This is What You Should Open

Physiotherapy or physical therapy is a procedure to examine, treat, and treat patients who have limitations in body movement and function. Physiotherapy can also be done to prevent physical disabilities and reduce the risk of injury or movement disorders in the future.

In undergoing physiotherapy, patients will be directed and assisted by a physiotherapist, who is an expert in applying the principles and practices of physiotherapy.

This procedure can be performed on patients of all ages, from children to the elderly. Athletes are one of the groups that most often need physiotherapy to determine their body condition.

Physiotherapy Indications

Generally, doctors will recommend physiotherapy for patients who experience conditions such as the following:

  • Disorders of the muscular and skeletal systems of the body
    Physiotherapy can be performed on patients who have muscular and skeletal system disorders or neuromusculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, and arthritis.
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Several conditions including nervous system disorders, namely stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, may be considered for physiotherapy.
    In these conditions, physiotherapy is done to reduce impaired body functions, such as difficulty speaking and difficulty moving, as well as to reduce pain.
  • Respiratory disorders
    Respiratory disorders, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cystic fibrosis, are conditions that may be considered for physiotherapy.
    In this condition, the physiotherapist will provide as well as help explain the condition, such as explaining how to control breathing properly.
  • cardiovascular disease
    Coronary heart disease and rehabilitation after a heart attack are examples of conditions that may require physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will direct the patient to do physical activities that can trigger the heart’s work, such as walking, aerobics, or jogging.
    In addition, physiotherapy is also commonly recommended by doctors for patients who experience the following conditions:
  • Amputation
  • Fracture
  • injury while exercising

Physiotherapy Warning

It is important to understand that each patient’s response to physiotherapy is different. This is greatly influenced by the patient’s health condition, body shape, habits, and activities. Physiotherapists will provide treatment according to the needs and conditions of each patient.

There are several things that need to be done before undergoing physiotherapy, namely:

Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications, supplements, or herbal products, as certain drugs or supplements are believed to affect the effectiveness of therapy
Tell the doctor if you are suffering from a disease or are undergoing other therapy
Before Physiotherapy
Before starting therapy, the patient must undergo an examination and assessment carried out by a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation (medical rehabilitation doctor), so that the required therapy program can be determined.

Of course, patients are also expected to ask things that are not yet known, for example about the goals, benefits, risks that can occur, and the final results of the physiotherapy program. Each physiotherapy program will be conducted in several sessions and guided by a physiotherapist.

To prepare before undergoing physiotherapy, patients are advised to move their body frequently. In order to move more freely, the patient can use comfortable clothing, and not tight or loose.

Patients with neck pain can wear short sleeves or sleeveless shirts to make it easier for the doctor to examine the area around the shoulders and arms. Shorts should also be used for patients who have problems with the lower body, such as knee, knee, or leg pain.

Physiotherapy Procedures

Physiotherapy can last 30–60 minutes per session, but it can be faster or longer. In one week, the patient can do several sessions, depending on the program plan and the patient’s condition. The frequency and time of therapy can also change, according to the results of the last physiotherapy.

There are three main approaches in a physiotherapy program, namely:

Therapy guide

Manual therapy is carried out by physiotherapists by moving or massaging the affected patient’s body part. The use of manual therapy is to increase the body’s range of motion, blood flow, treat pain or stiffness in joints and muscles, and provide relaxation.

Movement exercises

In this therapy, the physiotherapist will provide exercises to the patient that aim to increase the ability to move (mobility) and strengthen certain body parts. For example, exercises to move the whole body, walking with the help of a cane, or therapy in a pool with warm and shallow water or hydrotherapy.

In addition, the physiotherapist will also teach the patient exercises that can be done at home to prevent injury and relieve pain.

Education and advice

In addition to movement exercises and manual therapy, education about a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining an ideal and regular body weight, is also an important part of a physiotherapy program.

The physiotherapist will also provide advice on the correct body position in carrying out daily activities, such as when lifting heavy objects, sitting, walking, including sleeping, to reduce pain and prevent injury.

In addition to going through the three main approaches above, physiotherapists can also apply the following techniques to help patients heal:

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
TENS aims to relieve pain. This method is done by sending an electrical signal using a special tool to the area that is experiencing interference. Visit Site for other information.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy utilizes high-frequency sound waves to reduce pain, tension, and speed up the recovery process.
The above techniques are generally not recommended for use in patients with back pain, especially lower back pain. This is because there is no strong evidence that the technique is effective in treating back pain.

After Physiotherapy

After completing a program, the patient will meet again with a medical rehabilitation doctor to see the progress of the condition and evaluate the program being undertaken. Based on the results of the evaluation, the patient may perform another physiotherapy program or repeat the same program.

If the physiotherapy program is declared complete, it does not mean that the suggestions or exercises that have been given have also been completed. Patients can apply suggestions and exercises that can be done at home to continuously improve the function of the affected body part, and to prevent further injury.

Patients are also advised to rest, drink enough water, and immediately consult a doctor if severe pain or discomfort occurs in certain body parts.

Physiotherapy Complications

Physiotherapy does not cause dangerous complications, but it can cause discomfort or pain in the treated body part. However, still inform the physiotherapist when experiencing pain.

Patients may also feel anxious or hopeless about unexpected results. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand what will be done and the limits on the results to be achieved. Consult this with a medical rehabilitation doctor before starting a physiotherapy program.

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